Saturday, March 16, 2013

A Flea Market Find for a Music Competition

Playing with my puppy
Once a year, I am forced to play my viola at the Golden Empire Music Competition for a judge to critique me.  To say the least, this experience is not something I look forward to.  However, I would never pass up an opportunity to dress up!

Love the gold and silver metal detailing on this dress

The best pair of shoes I've ever found at a thrift shop...Prada! 

Occasions like these call for a certain look.  The judges tend to be rather old fashioned about appearance so it's best to steer clear of anything short, tight, or flashy.  Luckily, last weekend while I was at a flea market with my mom, this little cream dress caught my eye (I'm a sucker for anything pleated).  I threw the dress on over what I was wearing just to make sure it fit okay and asked the woman selling it how much she wanted for it.  "Mmm...twenty dollars" she said.  What a steal!

Of course I had to ask Anna which shoes she thought I should wear, so after some texting and a few picture messages, we both agreed on my Pradas.  These fierce yet simple heels were exactly what I needed to give me that extra confidence boost.  Similarly to the dress, I picked these shoes up at a thrift store in San Francisco.  Although the price on them couldn't compete with my twenty-dollar dress, they were still cheap for having never been worn.

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